Wolfenstein 2 the new colossus review
Wolfenstein 2 the new colossus review

wolfenstein 2 the new colossus review

You’ll still be pushing the button quite a bit, but it’s not nearly as annoying as it was in the first game. The New Colossus finds a much happier medium between that and the more common first-person shooter design of Hoovering up any item you even look at – here, many items can be picked up by walking directly over them with a small auto-grab radius. That’s an area where The New Order was rightly criticized for making us push the pick-up button for every single individual item we wanted to grab, including small-value armor scraps that fall off of enemies. You’ve got to keep moving and play cautiously to stay alive, grabbing health, armor, and ammo items where you can find them (often off of Nazi corpses). “BJ may be a buffed-out killing machine with a suit of armor, but he’s not a tank.


Upgrade kits are rare, so the choices you make feel more important – I only had around half the possible upgrades by the time I finished (though I’m sure I missed quite a few). Speaking of upgrades, each weapon has three potential enhancements like scopes, extra ammo capacity, and other things that change their behavior in ways more interesting than just bumping up the damage output. Good luck doing that while under fire without getting killed. That can be a clumsy process because there’s just a single weapon wheel for both hands, and you have to select the switch hands option before you can access the left one. Unless, of course, you’re using one of the terrific high-powered guns salvaged from Nazi mech troopers that require both hands but often include their own built-in alt-fire mode.My biggest annoyance with dual wielding is that – without a late-game upgrade – you can’t pause the action to switch weapons.

wolfenstein 2 the new colossus review

It effectively lets you choose your own alternate fire mode. Dual wielding is also handy if you want to be able to quickly fire a shotgun blast if you blow your cover and the silenced pistol won’t get the job done on its own. Using Wolfenstein’s existing dual-wielding system to blast away with a machine gun in each hand feels just as great as before, letting you sacrifice accuracy for doubled-up firepower that’s effective in close or mid-range combat. “Wolfenstein 2 makes the most of its somewhat standard-feeling assortment of weapons (there’s a pistol, SMG, machine gun, shotgun, grenade launcher, etc) by letting you mix, match, and customize them to your heart’s content. It’s also entirely optional if you’d rather go in guns blazing, that works too, and it’s more of a challenge. Like The New Order, this isn’t exactly a “real” stealth game, in that enemies don’t raise an alarm when they spot a dead body (and you can’t hide corpses) and will sometimes spot you when you wouldn’t expect they could’ve, but this stealth gameplay is a good way to mix up the action and prevent every fight from beginning the same way.

wolfenstein 2 the new colossus review

Whether they’re reacting based on what body part you’ve shot, getting sliced up in one of the varied melee kill animations, or bursting into flame and vaporizing before your eyes when you rake a heavy laser weapon across the screen, it’s quite a show.There are a lot of Nazis to kill, though, so you’re also encouraged to sneak into each encounter to thin out the herd by silently taking down troopers and, more importantly, their officers – if left alive to trigger the alarm, they’ll summon reinforcements. “Gruesomely murdering Nazis is already extremely satisfying, but it’s made even more so thanks to the fast and smooth first-person shooting action, and the rewarding performances the enemies put on during their death scenes.

Wolfenstein 2 the new colossus review